Category: Security

What Is The IoT?

The Internet of Things or the IoT, is the latest buzzword – but what does it really mean?

The IoT is the concept of connecting our “things” to the internet (and/or to each other). And no, I am not talking about computers and smartphones – that is so 2005. Think cars, coffeemakers, toasters, thermostats even thermometers. The IoT is a network of internet-connected objects able to collect and exchange data. But what this means for us is that slowly but surely, all of our appliances and gadgets are going to be online and connected – all in the name of convenience.

Here are some quick facts to help you gauge the potential impact of the IoT:

  • Nearly $6 trillion will be spent on the IoT over the next five years
  • The IoT isn’t all about spending – Barcelona saves $37 million a year, thanks to smart lighting and the city’s many IoT initiatives have created 47,000 new jobs
  • It is expected that there will be more than 24 billion IoT devices by 2020 – that’s approximately 4 devices per person
  • Intel’s projection is even bigger – the company forecasts 200 billion connected devices by 2020
  • Business will be the top adopter of the IoT, using it to reduce operating costs, increase productivity and expand product offerings
  • Governments will be one of the second-largest adopters
  • Technology is already in our clothes – according to Reportbuyer, there were 968,000 smart clothing units sold in 2015, a number that will reach 24.75 billion in 2021
  • Business Insider forecasts that by 2020, 75 percent of new cars will come with built-in IoT connectivity
  • IoT security and regulation will become key priorities

Predictions for the IoT are big and they bring with them bright and endless opportunities for connection to take place. Although it is impossible to say how it will affect us exactly, we can only imagine the potential impact on our roles as business owners, employees and as consumers digesting the byproducts of this IoT mayhem in our everyday life.

How do you think consumers will be affected by the IoT? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.

Want to learn more about how the Internet of Things is affecting your business? Let’s talk!


Time For A Facelift? (Part 1): 5 Reasons To Update Your Website

Image of 90s Computer Upgrading

Your website advertises you, your brand or business – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use your site to show off what you do and give people the opportunity to interact with your business. When you have a great site, you become visible to the millions of people who go online every day, connecting with them at any time, and learning more about your business and brand grow. Updating your site isn’t just a facelift, it means updating everything inside and out: your brand, relevance, and security. Stay ahead of the competition and find out why you should update your site:

1) Great Design Matters.

A new design can go a long way for your site. Great design makes it easy for users to find information, learn what you’re about and contact you in a snap. Nothing is worse for your business than a poor first impression with an outdated design, broken links, or difficult navigation. Let users find out who you really are with a great layout, visuals that tell a story about your brand, and an experience that leaves them coming back to visit.

2) Faster Loading Times.

Research suggests that 47% of users expect a site to load within 2 seconds; if more people are leaving your site than engaging with it, this could be a symptom of poor design or a slow web host. Google tends to rank faster loading pages higher on the search engine than slower loading ones. A few tips to speeding up your site can be to get rid of old or unused content, reducing the file size of your images, installing booster plugins, or moving to a content delivery solution (CDN).

3) Finding You Easily with Good SEO.

Don’t you hate it when you can’t find what you’re looking for? So do users. Having good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) makes it easier for users to find what they’re looking for right away and stops you from becoming invisible. Search engines rely on metrics of relevance and importance based on what people do: discover, comment, share, and link to. A well-constructed site allows search engines to crawl your site with greater ease, and improves how users interact with it – contributing to a better overall SEO ranking.

4) Utilizing Online Metrics to your Advantage.

There are many tools that track and analyze incoming visitors to your site. For example, Google Analytics is a free tool and available when you sign up for a Gmail account. Other paid digital marketing tools allow more detailed breakdowns on customer insights, how your products are doing or seeing how your keywords are ranking.

Utilizing online metrics can tell you a lot about users coming into your site, and using this data can help you figure out how to make their online experience better by improving your site. If users are navigating directly to your products page, consider making your home page focus on feature products. Or if the majority of your visitors are using Internet Explorer 8, consider updating your site to accommodate them. Use this information to help understand your clientele better and apply these changes wherever possible.

Use Metrics To Improve Site

5) Boost your Search Engine Ranking with Updated Content.

Great site content helps users connect with your brand and establishes you as an authority in your industry. Consider having a blog with tips or advice, integrating your site with social media, or having a featured page with events, latest news, or media coverage that you or your company has been featured in.

Having an updated site leaves the impression that you’re on top of things and a company that users can trust. Search engines love fresh content; if they see fresh content every time they index your site they will boost your rankings. When a site hasn’t been updated in a while, your ranking may begin to drop for important keywords.

Interested to see how Web Toaster can help you make the best first impression? Then let’s Get Toasting!

Time For A Facelift? (Part 2): 5 Questions You Should Ask Yourself

Image of a 90s computer being upgraded

Building a website is a daunting task.  This domain of pages essentially represents your business in a big way online, where the world can see it.  So, typically it is critical that your website is always performing and looking its best.  The following are five questions you should always ask yourself before hitting “publish”.

1) What’s Your User Experience Like?

User Experience, or UX, looks at how humans interact and engage with technology, in order to build the best web experience possible. 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience, so it is a very important factor to consider.

Having a great UX means that your site is easy to navigate, users are able to find information easily, and the site is purposely designed to maximize user engagement. However, UX isn’t just a design payoff. According to Jasmine Henry, “User experience carries a significant, measurable ROI for organizations… brands with exceptional UX win repeat visits, and eventually, new customers.”

2) Is Your Site Achieving Great Results?

What is the objective of your website and how does it play into your business or brand? Are you trying to drive sales, generate leads, or establish authority in your field?

If you’re not seeing the results you want, try getting your site audited to see where it’s falling short. An audit can determine why you’re not seeing results you want and suggest ways that you can meet those goals. An audit and update will re-structure your site to align more with your business objectives, while fitting customer needs, and generating the results that you are looking for.

3) Is Your Site Secure?

Updating your site isn’t just about looks, it is about what’s underneath too. Having an updated site means having the latest security patches and bug fixes to keep hackers out and stop them from wreaking havoc on your site. Poor security puts you at risk for losing private customer information when your site becomes compromised. Also, once a site is hacked, viruses can spread easily to other users or even be blocked on search engine sites. After a site has been hacked, it becomes very difficult to recover from.

Website Security


4) Is Your Site Mobile-Friendly?

If your website is not responsive, it will not show up as a Google search result when users are browsing on their smart device.

To put this in perspective, in 2014, there were 18 million smartphone owners in Canada and 7.8 million tablet owners. According to the Toronto Star, Canadians spend 33 hours per month online, and almost 50% of that is tied to mobile devices – even more importantly, 1.3 million Canadians a month will exclusively use mobile devices to access the Internet.

If your site isn’t mobile, then you’re invisible to this growing number of consumers!

5) Is Your Site AODA Compliant.

By January 1, 2021, the Ontario government requires all sites to be compliant under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). Although it seems like a long time from now, there are requirements that are currently being phased in.

As of 2016, Public Service Organizations and large companies (that provide goods, services or facilities to third parties and have over 50 employees) are required to have new content and intranet be AODA compliant. Accessibility requirements for these organizations include, but are not limited to: large print, high contrast visuals, and recorded audio captions or descriptions.

Guidelines that dictate these standards are governed by the World Wide Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0). Companies and organizations that fail to ensure AODA compliance are subject up to a $100,000 fine!


No-Stress WordPress: What Makes It A Super CMS?

A Wordpress Superhero

Every day at Web Toaster, our designers and developers are hard at work creating sites left, right, and center. In order to offer great sites at affordable prices, we build our sites on WordPress because it’s a flexible platform that allows us to customize what you want in the time frame you need.

Here are the reasons why we use WordPress and how it can benefit your business:

1) Easy-To-Use.

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to learn how to use WordPress. Bloggers, businesses, and novices alike use WordPress because of its user friendly interface and their all-in-one platform makes it easy for you to manage your site. If you’re posting a lot of content, WordPress makes it easy to post, and schedule them ahead of time.

2) Flexible and Customizable.

As a platform, WordPress can be used for everything to a personal blog, eCommerce site, online brochure, or a personal portfolio. At Web Toaster, we love WordPress because of its endless possibilities for design and different customizations that suit your business needs. WordPress has numerous features and extensions that enhance your site’s functionality and can create the website you’ve always wanted.

3) SEO Friendly.

If you want to aim for the top on Google, you’re in luck! In order for your site to rank high, your site needs to meet various predefined parameters. The more parameters you fulfill, the higher your site ranks in search results. Everything from faster loading times, being mobile friendly, having specific keywords or descriptions all play a part in your Google ranking.

WordPress has the basics covered, already being optimized for mobile, and plugins that can help you monitor analytics and managing your keywords. However, if the basics don’t cut it. The Web Toaster team has got you covered with enhanced packages that can help you outrank the competition.

Interested in what Web Toaster can do for you? Let’s talk!

Vacuum Sealed Security: Keeping Freshness In & Hackers Out


As of October 2015, WordPress CMS powered 29.7% of all new sites. Even more impressively, 25.5% of the Internet is powered by WordPress. Why? To put it simply, WordPress is a phenomenal resource for web developers and business owners as it is easy to use and learn, open source and modifiable, SEO friendly, extremely versatile, and was built with security in mind.

Unfortunately, as with any open source resource, malicious parties can hack websites that do not take their security very seriously. According to Forbes, roughly 30,000 websites are hacked each day due to particular vulnerabilities, which WordPress sites are not exempt from. Typically WordPress CMS users experience unusual activity on their websites as a symptom of a security breach. This could come in the form of spam, or abnormal increases in traffic; possibly from foreign countries. Additionally, many hacked websites suffer from spontaneous redirections to other pages, unknown admin users, and unapproved content additions. Web security is extremely important because the credibility of your brand relies on the stability of your website.

Typically, more cautious WordPress users take precautions to “harden” their websites. These precautions typically include maintaining the latest WordPress version as soon as updates are released, constantly updating plugins and ensuring that they are from trusted sources, strengthening passwords, and using credible themes. It is also advisable to use a trusted host to keep your website online.

As a small business owner, keeping track of web security and having to take care of breaches can be a tedious and technically intensive task, which many do not have the time or expertise to handle efficiently and effectively. Web Toaster is here to save you time and effort, and maintain a strong brand for your company. Part of our value is our website maintenance and security packages; Web Toaster offers 24/7 website monitoring for malicious activity, so our skilled team of developers can manage any sort of breach without you lifting a finger.

Treat your website to Web Toaster’s vacuum-sealed security, and sleep soundly every night knowing that your website, business, and brand, are in good hands. Learn more about Web Toaster’s Maintenance Packages here.