A Wordpress Superhero

No-Stress WordPress: What Makes It A Super CMS?

Every day at Web Toaster, our designers and developers are hard at work creating sites left, right, and center. In order to offer great sites at affordable prices, we build our sites on WordPress because it’s a flexible platform that allows us to customize what you want in the time frame you need.

Here are the reasons why we use WordPress and how it can benefit your business:

1) Easy-To-Use.

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to learn how to use WordPress. Bloggers, businesses, and novices alike use WordPress because of its user friendly interface and their all-in-one platform makes it easy for you to manage your site. If you’re posting a lot of content, WordPress makes it easy to post, and schedule them ahead of time.

2) Flexible and Customizable.

As a platform, WordPress can be used for everything to a personal blog, eCommerce site, online brochure, or a personal portfolio. At Web Toaster, we love WordPress because of its endless possibilities for design and different customizations that suit your business needs. WordPress has numerous features and extensions that enhance your site’s functionality and can create the website you’ve always wanted.

3) SEO Friendly.

If you want to aim for the top on Google, you’re in luck! In order for your site to rank high, your site needs to meet various predefined parameters. The more parameters you fulfill, the higher your site ranks in search results. Everything from faster loading times, being mobile friendly, having specific keywords or descriptions all play a part in your Google ranking.

WordPress has the basics covered, already being optimized for mobile, and plugins that can help you monitor analytics and managing your keywords. However, if the basics don’t cut it. The Web Toaster team has got you covered with enhanced packages that can help you outrank the competition.

Interested in what Web Toaster can do for you? Let’s talk!

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